My new LiveProject Series: Deploying Services with Kubernetes

deployment pipeline





I’m excited to announce that my new Manning LiveProject series Deploying Services with Kubernetes is now available! This series of LiveProjects is all about deploying services with Kubernetes.
There are four LiveProjects that cover everything from writing basic Kubernetes manifests to setting up an AWS EKS cluster using Terraform and using GitOps to deploy services to it.

The LiveProject series covers lots of technologies in the Kubernetes and cloud ecosystems including Kind, Helm, FluxCD, Kustomize, Flagger, Linkerd, Terraform, and Crossplane.

Here’s a brief overview of the LiveProjects.

LP 1 – Run Services Locally with Kind

In this liveProject, you will:

  • Install Kubernetes locally
  • Use Helm – the Kubernetes package manager – to install infrastructure services
  • Write the Kubernetes YAML manifests to deploy services
  • Deploy container images stored in a private registry
  • Use the Kubernetes CLI to deploy and manage your application

LP 2 – Package Services as Helm Charts

In this liveProject, you will:

  • Write a Helm chart for a service
  • Configure a service’s deployment pipeline to publish its Helm chart to a repository
  • Deploy and upgrade a service that’s packaged as a Helm chart

LP 3 – GitOps Continuous Deployment

In this liveProject, you will:

  • Implement GitOps using FluxCD
  • Use Kustomize to tailor Kubernetes manifests for different environments
  • Implement canary releases using Flagger
  • Manage service traffic using Linkerd

LP 4 – Run Services on AWS EKS

In this liveProject, you will:

  • Use Terraform to provision AWS resources, including an EKS cluster
  • Leverage Terraform modules to radically simplify the creation of AWS resources
  • Use Crossplane to provision service-specific AWS resources, such as RDS databases, from within the Kubernetes cluster
  • Use AWS KMS to encrypt secrets in Git

Learn more and buy

To learn more and buy the LiveProject series.

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