We would like to invite you to participate in the Mini-Symposium on “Nonlinear Dynamics of Slender Structures” within “HFSS2025 – 2nd International Conference on Highly Flexible Slender Structures” at Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Mathematics ITWM, Kaiserslautern (Germany), September 22-26, 2025.
The deadline for abstract submission is March 1st, 2025.
Description of the Mini-symposium “MS-06 Nonlinear Dynamics of Slender Structures”:
The current technological innovations in the field of soft robotics, flexible locomotion devices, vibration mitigation and energy harvesting, and morphable systems have sparked a renewed interest in the nonlinear dynamic response of slender structures. This special session will focus on novel analytical and numerical methods for analyzing the transient behavior of nonlinear slender structures. General-purpose simulation software can be inefficient or even useless for systems with complicated material structure, moving contacts, material flow through the control volume, impacts and friction, etc. Problem-oriented simulation techniques are often necessary to solve specific practical problems, or they can be useful to investigate new effects and concepts. The following non-exhaustive list provides examples of various phenomena and approaches relevant to the Mini-Symposium:
– Axially moving structures and Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian kinematic description
– Variable-length structures and configurational forces
– Aeroelasticity and fluid-structure interaction
– Dynamic instabilities and parametric resonances
– Non-conservative systems
– Vibrations of damaged structures
– Non-smooth systems, contact problems with impacts and friction, transport problems
– Asymptotic analysis methods
– Computer algebra assisted development of simulation tools
– Snapping mechanisms
– Nonlinear metamaterials and metastructures
Mini-symposium Organizers:
Yury Vetyukov (TU Wien, Austria)
Francesco Dal Corso (University of Trento, Italy)
Jakob Scheidl (TU Wien, Austria)